Currently Mon: Closed, Tue - Fri: 11AM - 7PM, Sat: 10AM - 7PM, Sun: 11AM - 5PM   412-221-4900

Josh Hanley-Master Firearms Instructor through the County Probation and Parole Officers' Firearms Education Training Commission

Master Firearms Instructor through the County Probation and Parole Officers’ Firearms Education Training Commission, NRA Law Enforcement Handgun and Shotgun Instructor, SWAT Operator, PPCT Defensive Tactics Instructor, TASER Instructor, OCAT Pepper Spray Instructor, and Glock Armorer.  I started my career in Law enforcement in 2013. Throughout my career, I have become passionate about sharing my acquired firearms knowledge with others in order to enhance the end user’s safety and proficiency.  I am a firm believer that the only true path to mastering anything in life can only be found in repetition.  For this reason, I encourage everyone to seek quality firearms instruction.  I look forward to the opportunity of sharing my knowledge and working with you on the range.

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